Download FREE TubeMate for PC (Windows 10, 8,7,XP)

If you want to download TubeMate for PC,(Laptop,Mac/windows 7,8,9,10,xp) then you have landed on the right page. There are some simple and easy steps you have to follow to download and install this application on your PC.

Must follow these steps to download TubeMate for PC

Some simple and easy steps will help you to download and use TubeMate app on your PC or Laptop. Let me discuss these simple and easy steps: 1st Method is through BlueStacks

  • As you know APK files are not runnable on PC
  • So First of all, you have to install one software on your PC to run APK file.
  • So install Bluestacks software on your PC/laptop.
  • Now open your Blue Stake and you will see playstore and search for TubeMate application in it.
  • So you can simply install it on your PC through Blue stake software.

2nd Method to install TubeMate APK file on your PC

  • After installing Bluestacks on your PC now the download the TubeMate APK file by clicking below button.
  • After clicking the download button, you have to wait for some moments.
  • After successful downloading, you have to open the folder where you have stored the downloaded file.
  • Click on the application file.
  • Installing process will start automatically.
  • Wait and enjoy the features!

If there is a problem in downloading or installing, then you can leave a comment below. I will try to provide a solution to your problem.

Download Tubemate For PC Download Tubemate For PC

Download TubeMate for PC

TubeMate for PC Download

As you know, TubeMate is a popular application to watch movies, dramas, serials, tv shows and much more. There are millions of people who love these types of apps. In the past, there was no proper way to get entertainment. Nowadays, many technologies offer you to get entertainment free of cost.

It is a popular app for videos like movies, trailers, serials, dramas, music, tv shows, live tv channels, etc. If you want to enjoy all these things on your PC, then you have to download and install this application on PC. There are many other platforms like this, but you will not get features like TubeMate for PC.

Usually, it is a challenging task to use the latest technologies. So, a developer of any technology should provide the user-friendly environment to use the platform. In my opinion, the user interface of this app is very user-friendly, and you will not face any problem in the use of this app. Everything is smooth and precise to use.

Do you want to know the features of this app?

That’s a great decision! I am just going to discuss the features of this app. I hope you will enjoy all features of the app. Keep my words.

TubeMate Features

I have used a lot of video platforms but never found features like this app. I hope you will get the features in this app that are not available on any other platform like this. Let’s talk about the features of this app in details!

User Interface

It is an essential factor for any online platform. As you know, people are not too much friendly with latest technologies. If you are not friendly with latest technologies, then you have to find the platform with the excellent user interface.

Do you know it? If a platform has excellent features, but these features are hard to use then there is no benefit of all these features. On the other hand, a platform with good features can provide ease to access all other features. So, this app has an excellent user interface, and you will become friendly with it.


There are many categories in this application. As you know, there are millions of people, and everyone has a different interest and taste. Some people love to watch movies and some people love to watch animal videos. So, there are different categories in this app that allow you to enter in your interested zone to enjoy unlimited videos. Some of these categories are:


If you are one of these people who love to watch movies free of cost, then you should prefer TubeMate for PC.

Moreover, there are different types of movies like Bollywood Movies, Hollywood Movies, Action Movies, Funny Movies, Thrill movies, Romantic Movies and much more. In the past, it was very tough to watch movies. People have to go to the cinema to watch a movie. It was a very time-consuming task. Now the trends have changed, and there are many things new that can provide you free entertainment without any efforts.


If you love to watch dramas then you don’t need to miss this chance because this app provides this facility free of cost. Moreover, many other apps provide the same facility, but I have never found this type of app.


Are you looking for the trailers of movies? You will receive the notification when a trailer of a movie will come in the market. So, if you have a craze for trailers of movies, then this application will help you a lot to enjoy in your free time.


Compatibility of the app is the biggest concern among the people. If you want to get access to unlimited features like high graphics, then you should eliminate the compatibility issues. In my personal experience, it is compatible with most devices.


It is another feature of this app because the availability is very high. Two factors describe the availability of any platform. These two factors are uptime and downtime. So, the uptime of the server is 99.9%, and the downtime of the server is 0.1%. It means the availability of the servers of this app is very high. You can access the features at any time.


It is another excellent feature of this app. In the modern era, youth is handsome towards the high graphics. So, if you are playing a app without high graphics, you will not enjoy it at all. So, you have to get the platform with high graphics to enjoy.


How can i download from tubemate?

Choose a video to download. You might see a warning message about downloading APK files, so click ‘OK’ to allow it. Once TubeMate has downloaded, run the file and tap ‘Install’, then tap ‘Open’. You’ll then be informed which permissions the video downloader needs to run.

Is TubeMate safe to download?

Is TubeMate YouTube Downloader safe? The TubeMate YouTube Downloader app is safe. Until now there are no news about the distribution of malware or any kind of threat for the user’s privacy. In fact, its installation doesn’t even involve the download of other unwanted apps as happens in other cases.

Is TubeMate available for PC?

Yes! TubeMate is available for PC. You can download and install it free of cost to watch movies, dramas and much more.

How can I use TubeMate on my PC?

Naturally, you have to download the application and install it on your PC.

Is it safe to use TubeMate?

Yes! It is safe and secure to use it.


It is a popular app for videos like movies, trailers, serials, dramas, music, tv shows, live tv channels, etc. If you want to enjoy all these things on your PC, then you have to download and install this application on PC. There are many other platforms like this, but you will not get features like TubeMate for PC.

Keep visiting! Thanks!

Photo of author

Andrei Matveev

Andrei is an experienced full-stack web developer with almost a decade of experience working with a large variety of technologies—over half of that working remotely. He is equally comfortable collaborating with a team of developers or flying solo. He has worked with satisfied clients from the US, Australia, Kuwait, and Russia.